Satellite Big Data for Archaeological Discovery: A Digital Earth Perspective

  • Yaroslav Vasyunin Paititi Research
  • Ceslav Cieslar Paititi Research
  • Cristhian Jesus Neyra Kunkel National University of Engineering (UNI)
Ключевые слова: Big Data, Remote Sensing, Digital Earth, Archaeology, Archaeological Sensitivity


The advent of modern big data platforms has revolutionized archaeology, enabling the discovery of new sites on a planetary scale. This article overviews how these platforms, within the Digital Earth framework, process and analyze vast amounts of remote sensing data. We explore the capabilities of major publicly accessible platforms in integrating diverse geospatial datasets and employing advanced analytical tools. Through case studies, we illustrate the transformative impact of these technologies on archaeological research, highlighting notable discoveries and the role of collaboration and crowdsourcing. Despite challenges such as data quality and computational costs, future advancements promise to enhance our ability to uncover and understand historical heritage. This work underscores the significant potential of big data platforms in advancing archaeological discoveries and enriching our knowledge of the past through the Digital Earth initiative.


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Как цитировать
Vasyunin, Yaroslav, Ceslav Cieslar, и Cristhian Kunkel. 2023. Satellite Big Data for Archaeological Discovery: A Digital Earth Perspective. Геоконтекст 11 (1), 24-33.

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