Interpretation of the Moon Probing Signals During Landing Using Laser Scanning Systems

  • Igor Nikolaevich Kulikov Научно-исследовательский испытательный центр подготовки космонавтов им. Ю.А. Гагарина
  • Boris Ivanovich Kryuchkov Научно-исследовательский испытательный центр подготовки космонавтов имени Ю.А.Гагарина
Ключевые слова: Surface sounding signals, laser scanning, lidar, digital terrain model, lunar landing


The paper deals with the issues of determining the current spatial position of the landing space module relative to the surface of the Moon. The novelty and relevance of the proposal is to implement the technology of a scanning lidar or a laser scanner as a spatial data source. Currently, this innovative technology finds wide and effective application in various spheres on Earth. The use of a matrix-type laser scanner is depended on the feature of the trajectory of the space module at the final stage of landing, which has a long vertical section.

The high spatial resolution of laser shooting, the speed of obtaining and using digital information and other characteristics of the scanner allow us to offer it as a basic element of the lunar landing module’s vision system. The prompt receiving of the planet surface sounding signals in the format of digital terrain models with a given spatial resolution based on laser shooting is the basis for the formation of a safe pre-landing maneuver and landing of a space module on the surface of the Moon. The proposed method is of interest both for using manned and unmanned space technology.


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Как цитировать
Kulikov, Igor, и Boris Kryuchkov. 2023. Interpretation of the Moon Probing Signals During Landing Using Laser Scanning Systems. Геоконтекст 11 (1), 5-16.

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