Formation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Link Configuration in the Problem of Cargo Transportation Scenario Selection Using Geospatial Data

Ключевые слова: Unmanned aеrial vehicles, cargo transportation, geospatial data, scenario problem, optimization.


Nowadays, technologies capable of coping effectively with the assigned problems by automating the processes being carried out are actively developing. Among them, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) deserve special attention, because they can handle almost any mission with a high level of data processing. However, as UAVs have evolved, so have society's needs, and UAV application scenarios have become increasingly complex. Problems are being solved with geodigital data: the different locations of both the UAVs themselves and the objects they interact with are taken into account. On the one hand, some of these problems require simultaneous control of a heterogeneous group of UAVs, but, on the other hand, there are also problems where the use of UAVs for a mission must be carried out in the form of links. A UAV link is a set of UAVs with common characteristics that perform one part of the mission. It becomes relevant to use UAV links and conduct geodigital-based simulations that allow both observation of mission conduct and analysis and achieve optimal drone control. This paper considers an algorithm capable of selecting UAVs with a certain set of technical and operational characteristics for a given route, taking into account the characteristics of the transported cargo, weather conditions, and threat distribution, as well as evaluating the effectiveness of the mission according to the optimization criterion. The study describes and groups the data required for the mathematical statement of the problem, and discusses the basic steps of the algorithm, which is part of the proposed algorithm. In addition, the paper considers the software package, which uses the proposed algorithm as the basis of its work. Based on the results of the experiments, the conclusion about the feasibility of using the proposed algorithmic software in the implementation of applied tools as an effective way to support decision-making when performing a scenario problem is made.


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Как цитировать
Salomatin, Alexander, Aleksandr Podvesovskii, и Andrey Smolin. 2021. Formation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Link Configuration in the Problem of Cargo Transportation Scenario Selection Using Geospatial Data. Геоконтекст 9 (1), 5-16.

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