Automotive Digital Earth: Big Data, Insurance

  • Nikita Nosov Московский государственный университет имени Ломоносова
Ключевые слова: Big Data, Digital Earth, Self-driving cars


The article is devoted to the implementation of Big Data technology in the auto industry and insurance. The article substantiates the need to use this technology in the context of rapidly growing volumes of information, describes the role of big data in modern life and predicts its use in the concept of the future development of the Digital Earth. The current level of Big Data usage in the automotive sector in Russia and around the world is considered. The §author describes the main areas of application of Big Data, such as car insurance using telematics devices, navigation, improving the production process of cars in terms of identifying and eliminating system flaws that are detected during operation, as well as about the growing popularity and at the same time causing heated controversy of the technology of unmanned driving. Statistical data on the number of self-driving cars in countries, the level of their introduction into everyday life, and people's readiness for a new stage of transport development are presented. Separately, the author raises the question of the legal regulation of Big Data, which at this stage is in its infancy and requires careful study, identifies current legal problems that arise in the process of implementing this technology. As a solution to the problem, a number of measures are proposed to fill the existing gap and establish compliance with the rule of law and common principles for the use and protection of Big data.

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Как цитировать
Nosov, Nikita. 2021. «Automotive Digital Earth: Big Data, Insuranc»e. Геоконтекст 8 (1), 27-32.

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